Binary specs

In this section, we'll learn about the binary specs of .px files so that anyone can decode the file for various purposes.

Disclaimer: There are a lot of backward compatibility details in the files, but for the sake of simplicity, they will be ignored and only the latest specs are available here.

How to decode

Models without header

These are pretty simple, their sizes are pre-determined, so just consume data and decode the values one by one to fill the properties of the models

Models with header

All headers contain a field to specify the length of the model. Use that field to determine where the model ends.

We'll see that there are properties within the models that have default values. If we reach the end of the data for the model, but there are still fields that need values, simply use the default value in this case.

Data types

These are some simple data types

Primitive types

These are notated similarly to Swift data types

  • UInt - A n-bit unsigned integer

    • UInt8 is an 8-bit unsigned integer

  • Int - A n-bit signed integer

    • Int16 is a 16-bit signed integer

  • Float - A n-bit float

    • Float32 is a 32-bit float

  • Bool - A boolean value, 1 byte

  • OptionSet<UInt> - A set of true (1) - false (0) flags using each bit of the UInt type

    • OptionSet<UInt8> has 8 flags. So0b10010001 has 1 << 0, 1 << 4, and 1 << 7 flag set

  • DumbString - UTF8 data of a string

  • String - A string

    • The first 2 bytes are a UInt16 to specify the length of the String

    • The remaining is the UTF8 data of the string

    • Don't ask me why there is a DumpString in the first place

  • [Type] - An array of Type

    • The first 8 bytes are a UInt64 to specify the length of the Array

    • The rest are the elements

  • Type[n] - n consecutive value of Type

    • UInt8[3] - 3 consecutive UInt8

Composite types


Int32        x-value
Int32        y-value


UInt32        Width
UInt32        Height


Coordinate    Origin
Size          Size


RGB channels are alpha pre-multiplied

UInt8    R-value
UInt8    G-value
UInt8    B-value
UInt8    A-value


  0  - Normal
  1  - Multiply
  2  - Screen
  3  - Overlay
  4  - Darken
  5  - Lighten
  6  - Color dodge
  7  - Color burn
  8  - Hard light
  9  - Soft light
  10 - Difference
  11 - Exclusion
  12 - Hue
  13 - Saturation
  14 - Color
  15 - Luminosity


Most models in this section have a header. Pixquare uses ID for everything.

All sizes specified in the headers are in bytes and the size doesn't include the header


The color data of a cel.

Header (32 bytes)

UInt64            Size of this model
UInt8             ID length
UInt32            Backward compatibility. Ignore this value
UInt32            Color data length
OptionSet<UInt8>  Backward compatibility. Ignore this value


DumbString        ID, the length is specified in the header
[Byte]            Compressed color data using zlib compression.
                  After decompressing, it will be in the form of [ARGBColor]


The alignment of a tilemap cel.

Header (32 bytes)

UInt64            Size of this model


String        ID
Size          Tile size
[UInt16]      Alignment of tile on the canvas
              UInt16.max is for unassigned tiles


A frame of the artwork.

Header (32 bytes)

UInt32            Size of this model
UInt8             ID length
UInt8             Content ID length


DumbString        ID, the length is specified in the header
                  Frames with the same index have the same ID
UInt32            Duration
                  Frames with the same index have the same duration
Bool              Selected
DumbString        Content ID, the length is specified in the header
                  This is the ID of the `FrameContent` for `Layer`
                  and `TilemapFrameContent` for `TilemapLayer`
Float16           Opacity
                  Value from 0 to 1 is the actual value
                  2 means using the opacity of the Layer
                  Default: 2


Header (16 bytes)

UInt32        Size of this model
UInt8         ID length
UInt8         Backward compatibility. Ignore this value


DumbString        ID, the length is specified in the header
ARGBColor         Color
Bool              Selected
Bool              Enabled
Float32           x-value of the origin
Float32           y-value of the origin
Float32           Rotation angle in radians
UInt8             Segment count
UInt8             Symmetry type
                    0 - Mirror
                    1 - Rotate


Header (16 bytes)

UInt32            Size of this model
UInt8             ID length
UInt8             Name length


DumbString        ID, the length is specified in the header
DumbString        Name, the length is specified in the header
UInt16            Start frame index
UInt16            End frame index
Bool              Selected
ARGBColor         Color


Header (32 bytes)

UInt32        Size of this model


String        ID
String        Name
Size          Tile size
[[Byte]]      Compressed color data of each tile using zlib compression
              After decompressing, it will be in the form of [ARGBColor]


Represents an entry in the artwork (layer, group, etc.), but doesn't have any actual data of the entry.

Header (16 bytes)

UInt32        Total size of this model
UInt8         Entry type
                0 - Regular layer
                1 - Group
                2 - Reference layer
                3 - Tilemap layer


UInt8        ID length
DumbString   ID
             This ID is the same as the ID of `Layer`, `ReferenceLayer`, `Group`,
             and `TilemapLayer`


A layer with all data.

Header (32 bytes)

UInt32                Size of this model
UInt8                 ID length
UInt8                 Name length
OptionSet<UInt8>      Backward compatibility, ignore it


DumbString        ID, the length is specified in the header
                  This is the same ID as the one in `Entry`
DumbString        Name, the length is specified in the header
[Frame]           Frames of this layer
Float16           Opacity
Bool              Visible
Bool              Locked
Bool              Selected
Bool              Alpha-locked
BlendMode         Blend mode
                  Default: Normal
Bool              Linked
                  Default: false
[Entry]           Cropping masks, sorted in the actual order
                  A higher index means being above
                  Default: []
[Entry]           Clipping masks, sorted in the actual order
                  A higher index means being above
                  Default: []
ARGBColor         Color
                  Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)


A group with all data.

Header (32 bytes)

UInt32                Size of this model
UInt8                 ID length
UInt8                 Name length
OptionSet<UInt8>      Backward compatibility, ignore it


DumbString        ID, the length is specified in the header
                  This is the same ID as the one in `Entry`
DumbString        Name, the length is specified in the header
[Entry]           Child entries, sorted in the actual order
                  A higher index means being above
Float16           Opacity
Bool              Visible
Bool              Content locked
Bool              Selected
Bool              Alpha locked
Bool              Expanded
                  Default: true
[Entry]           Cropping masks, sorted in the actual order
                  A higher index means being above
                  Default: []
[Entry]           Clipping masks, sorted in the actual order
                  A higher index means being above
                  Default: []
ARGBColor         Color
                  Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)


A reference layer with all data

Header (32 bytes)

UInt32        Size of this model
UInt64        Data Length
UInt8         ID length
UInt8         Name length


DumbString            ID, the length is specified in the header
                      This is the same ID as the one in `Entry`
[Byte]                PNG data of the reference image
                      Length is specified in the header
DumbString            Name, the length is specified in the header
Float16               Opacity
Bool                  Visible
Bool                  Selected
Rect                  Bounds
Float32               Rotation angle in radians
                      Default: 0
ARGBColor             Color
                      Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)
OptionSet<UInt8>      Flip axes
                        1 << 0 - Set if flipped horizontally
                        1 << 1 - Set if flipped vertically
                      Default: 0


A tilemap layer with all data

UInt32    Size of this model


String        ID, this is the same ID as the one in `Entry`
String        Tileset ID
String        Name
[Frame]       Frames of this tilemap layer
Float16       Opacity
Bool          Visible
Bool          Locked
Bool          Selected
Bool          Alpha-locked
BlendMode     Blend mode
              Default: Normal
Bool          Linked
ARGBColor     Color
              Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)


Contains the data like time spent on this file, stroke count, etc.

Header (16 bytes)

UInt16    Total size of this model


UInt32    Time spent in seconds
UInt32    Stroke count
UInt32    Number of undos
          Default: 0
UInt32    Number of redos
          Default: 0


Size         Grid size
ARGBColor    First color
ARGBColor    Second color


Size         Size
ARGBColor    Color
Bool         Isometric


Header (16 bytes)

UInt16        Total size of this model
UInt8         Processor
                0 - CRT
                1 - Vignette
                2 - Bloom


Depending on the processor value in the header, the content will be different

CRT - 0:
String        ID
Bool          Pixel-independent
Float64       Scan line intensity (0-1)
Float64       Glow intensity (0-1)
Bool          Enabled

Vignette - 1:
String        ID
Bool          Pixel-independent
ARGBColor     Color
Float64       Intensity (0-1)
Bool          Enabled

Bloom - 2:
String        ID
Bool          Pixel-independent
Float64       Threshold (0-1)
Float64       Intensity (0-1)
Float64       Radius (0-1)
Bool          Enabled


This is the data of .px files.

Header (64 bytes)

UInt64        Total size of the file
UInt8         Length of `id`
UInt16        Backward compatibility. Ignore this value

The rest of this header is unused


DumbString                ID, the length is specified in the header
Size                      Canvas size
[Entry]                   Entries at the root level of the artwork
                          Sorted in the actual order
                          A higher index means being above.
[Group]                   Groups
[Layer]                   Layers
[FrameContent]            Frame contents
[ARGBColor]               Palette
[ReferenceLayer]          Reference layers
                          Default: []
[[Byte]]                  PNG data for reference images
                          Default: []
[SymmetryLine]            Symmetry lines
                          Default: []
[Tag]                     Tags
                          Default: []
[Tileset]                 Tilesets
                          Default: []
[TilemapLayer]            Tilemap layers
                          Default: []
[TilemapFrameContent]     Tilemap frame contents
                          Default: []
UInt8                     Color depth
                            0 - RGB
                            1 - Indexed
Stats                     Some stats of this file
UInt8                     Ignore this byte
CanvasGrid                Canvas grid config
GuideLine                 Guide line config
Bool                      Guide line show/hide
[Post-processor]          Post-processors

Last updated

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